6 Signs That Show You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

6 Signs That Show You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

Sugar is actually a carbohydrate that is not necessary in the diet because other foods represent a much more nutritious source of glucose and finally what interests us about carbohydrates is that they are a source of glucose necessary for the functioning of all our organs. . . Readmore

30 Little-Known Warning Signs of Diabetes You Should Never Ignore

30 Little-Known Warning Signs of Diabetes You Should Never Ignore

Diabetes refers to a group of diseases which cause a spike in blood sugar levels. The most common types are type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes. In the United States, there are roughly 29 million people suffering from some form of the disease, and most of the time they are unaware of having it for several years. . . Readmore

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